You’re worthy of having it ALL.
It’s time to believe it & be seen in ALL your light.

You already know this self-doubt, imposter syndrome, comparison, perfectionism, fear of being seen is holding you back…


  • With being doubted by others…and yourself.

  • Spending hours questioning if your content or output is good enough and second guessing your next move

  • With that voice in your head telling you “You’re a failure. You’ll never amount to anything. Maybe you’re not cut out for this…”

  • Pouring your energy into everyone and everything else (your biz included), leaving nothing left for yourself

  • Feeling terrified of if your friends or family find your socials and feeling like you have to hide who you truly are and what you truly want

You really don’t have to spend everyday like this. The push & pull of moving forward, then doubting, questioning, or perfecting, then moving back.

It’s making business (and life) hard for you.

You already know what to say that will make you a stand out brand.

It’s just that you doubt it or are afraid to say it.


  • Fully embrace your authentic self and be seen

  • BE THAT stand out brand & be a big name

  • Have all eyes on you, listening to what you have to say and feeling confident in showing yourself online, putting up that video or talking on a podcast

  • Walk stages, knowing with conviction that what you have to say matters and you DESERVE to be there

  • Feel capable, credible and worth every penny you charge.

  • To know without a doubt that you’re ready to speak your voice and say what you really want to say and feel safe in doing so.



You’re made of pure gold, it’s time you see it, believe it, and radiate it.






  • This first lesson dives into the crux of where these fears, doubts, and people pleasing can stem from - the inner critic. We'll dive into really understanding its role, what feeds the critic (uncovering shame, guilt, comparison, and judgement).

    You'll also meet the antithesis of the inner critic to cultivate a better mindspace.

  • In this week, we'll uncover what parts of you that you've been hiding so you can allow those parts to fully be seen.

    Then we'll discuss the 7 pillars that make up the foundation of inner safety as well as tactical strategies to build upon each pillar so that you can feel SAFE in being seen.

    We'll also create your sacred space where you can tap into at anytime.

  • In this week, we'll dive into self-doubt and imposter syndrome, looking at what really is "good enough", where self-doubt stems from, ways to stop invalidating and discrediting your genius, and how you can move into a space where you genuinely feel proud of you.

  • Uncovering the root of where perfectionism and people pleasing stem from. You'll see this part of you completely differently and finally understand why it's led you in life & business. You'll also learn how to self-please and self-validate and feel more empowered and safe to set boundaries.

  • Building the muscle of self-trust and self-belief is essential to feeling capable. This week dives into the mentalities behind feeling capable, ways to cultivate and strengthen self-trust and self-belief so you can wholeheartedly feel and know you've got this.

  • The last of the weeks, it's time to the tie the bow on this program with worthiness & receivership. In this week, we'll dive into uncovering our sense of worth, what it's tied to, and how we can cultivate a deep sense of worthiness.

    You'll also learn how to become more in flow with receivership, a critical element to being a business owner.

Meet your coach


I was a serial, chronic self-doubter, people pleaser, perfectionist, imposter syndrome, ALL THE THINGS. My boyfriend would yell at me (kindly) saying “you don’t need another course I promise!”…I didn’t believe him. HEHE!

I didn’t believe in myself…I knew what I wanted (a successful coaching business), but the path was hard and took years for me to get there, to build the confidence within myself to go all in, stand on my own two feet, voice myself online... I’d spend hours of my day, overthinking, overanalyzing, doubting, questioning, perfecting “Is this good enough?”…”Am I good enough?”

I was my own worst critic…I’d put myself down, compare to others, make tough times even harder, hyper criticize everything…until I worked on overcoming the fears, befriending myself, changing my inner critic to the best boss I could ever have.

There are so many situations in life that have unconsciously shaped you and how you operate in life and business and you might not realize how it’s holding you back. I remember the day I had an AHA moment when it came to being seen and sharing my voice and opinion online. It was like a memory unlocked of “OH SHIZ this is why”. It was an image of me, being hit as kid every time I “talked back.” No wonder I was always afraid of speaking my voice…it resulted in physical harm of my body so as a protective mechanism my mind & body held my voice back to protect myself.

That AHA moment changed the way I saw myself and approached business. Now I focused on creating safety for myself when it came to being vocal. I slowly but surely creating safety around being seen and being vocal, and that changed everything for me.

I promise you this program will change so much for you in business and in life, in the best possible way, like an upgrade. Every ounce and to the core of me, knows if you’re here reading this, this program was meant for you.


✔️ If you self identify with having any of the following:

  • Self-Doubt

  • Imposter Syndrome

  • Comparison

  • Fear of Being Seen, Judged, Rejected

  • Perfectionism

  • People Pleasing

then without a doubt, this program is for you.

✔️ You’re ready to kick that inner critic to the curb and call in a new roommate in your mental space who’s kind, loving, supportive, and has your back.

✔️ You want a stand-out brand, for your voice to be heard, admired, and followed, and to be on podcasts and stages giving epic speeches.



Program Only

Access to the 6 module program
Supplemental Meditations

Full Price: $497
Pre-sale: $397

VIP Upgrade

Access to the 6 module program
Supplemental Meditations
Private Chat for Questions & Direct
Support (for the 6 weeks)
1:1 Call with Natalie

Full Price: $697
Pre-sale: $597

Only 3 spots available

You’re worthy of attention and sales.

It’s time you believe it.


  • The program officially kicks off October 30, 2024. The trainings & meditations will be dripped each week. Once the program is complete, you will have access to revisit all the teachings at anytime in your ThriveCart portal.

  • This program is made for anyone who genuinely struggles with self-worth or feeling capable. If you feel affected by any of the following, this course is MADE for you: self-doubt, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, people pleasing, comparison, the fear of being seen, rejected or judged.

  • You can expect to have a completely different relationship with yourself, to know yourself on a more intimate level and meet parts of you that you didn't know existed. You'll feel more inner peace, feel more confident in who you are, and any fears or doubt you had are no longer in the driver seat of your life.

    You'll undoubtedly attract more opportunities, more people by being your true authentic self.