How to effortlessly make more sales without selling everyday, annoying your audience, or feeling like you have to leave "you" behind

What kind of effortless

sales are we talking?

✨ The kind of effortless sales where you wake up on a flight and welcome a new dream client in your world.


✨ The kind of effortless sales where you're at the spa and you see while you were in the sauna, a payment notification came through.


✨ The kind of effortless sales where you're sleeping while overseas on a family trip and wake up to new sales and see that total sales number double.

✨ The kind of sales where you rock up to dinner with friends & by the time your entree comes, you see a sale come through and it covers the entire meal for YOU and your friends. 

Traditional selling doesn't feel right. It's not in your nature, something about it just feels icky. You may have even tried another course or taken sales advice from someone who told you to just post symptoms & solutions & your offer everyday, but let's be feels repetitive & boring. You're tired of it and your audience is too... Crossing off "sell on my stories" for the day isn't something you want to be doing anymore. BUT YOU WANT MORE SALES.

Let’s be real…

I was feeling the exact same way, and at the same time I was hearing people in my audience saying "I want just want to be paid to be me", and after months of trying to understand what it entails, I finally figured it out. and have been able to experiences the kind of effortless sales that come from these strategies.

To be honest…




This is where traditional sales tactics and story selling becomes the SIDE PITCH, and you learn to leverage human psychology & influence to effortlessly make more sales.

No more relying on selling on stories everyday. ​

​No more hard pitches.

​No more icks...

In Subliminal Sales, you're trading that in for...

DM's full of love, gratitude, and "Send me the link! I'm in!"

​Community that sees you as an authority yet adores you. That "bestie vibes" you've been wanting coupled with admiration, respect, and "I HAVE to be in her world."

​An audience whose thinking about you ALL the time because you're leveraging human psychology and influencing them in ways they weren't conscious of.

It gets to be this good.



What exactly is in this course?

Glad you asked. Here’s what you get.


$1297 Value

These lessons are packed with information and strategies you won't get from a typical business coach, as some of this information comes from my experience working with psychological modalities.


$197 Value

Accompanying workbooks to implement the strategies you learn & put into action in your business.

Additional, Notion Branding Template for your core identity.


$497 Value

​1 hour 1:1 call with Natalie 

PLUS 1 week of Azura coaching & chat support




Leverage the art of natural sales with human psychology & influence.
3 modules, info packed with tactical examples. I don’t just tell, I show…


This module is about getting to the core of your identity so that you and others know WHO your brand really is and then how you create a magnetism to your brand and business through embodiment & excellence.

LESSON 1: Discovering Your Core Identity
LESSON 2: Embodiment
LESSON 3: Excellence


This module is about trust, connection, and memorability. You're going to learn how to build that "bestie vibes" community and how to live rent-free in someones mind. This is how you wake up to dozens of DMs...

LESSON 1: Conversations & Relationships
LESSON 2: Creating Lightbulb Moments
LESSON 3: Creating Lasting Impressions


This module is all about how to ethically influence someone without them being consciously aware of it. This is really where you're going to get the "send me the link! I'm in!" messages and "I don't know why I'm just drawn to you."

LESSON 1: Building Influence
LESSON 2: Psychological Triggers
LESSON 3: Becoming Magnetic


Valued at $147

BONUS 1: Psychological Pricing
BONUS 2: Compelling Copy

Meet your coach


Hi! I’m your coach and mentor, Natalie De Vincenzi. 
world traveler, iced lavender latte kind of gal, beach fanatic & sunset lover

Before I became a business coach, I was working with hundreds of amazing minds, utilizing psychological modalities such as neurolinguistic programming, hypnotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. These modalities I've worked with have a subtle influence on this course, and I'm going to break down for you in a way that's understandable, digestible, and easy to integrate. You're not learning these techniques. You're learning how a fraction of them can be used to make more sales. When I started implementing these tools in my business as well as the other strategies I teach inside this course, THAT'S when I naturally saw more sales, and that's why I'm so passionate about sharing these tools to all the kind-hearted, ambitious women who value connection and community over just closing the sale. HINT: with the first, you naturally get the second.


You want to feel more ease & authenticity in running your business.

You’re tired of hearing crickets or overwhelmed by the thought of selling your offers.

If you know you’re amazing at what you do & and want to be just as great at making effortless sales.

You're sick of feeling "salesy" and like you have to show up on stories and sell in the traditional way.

You're ready for your audience to be thinking about you ALL the time and to buy into your world in a natural & effortless way.

You’re done feeling like you have to put your business cap on, and want to show up as you.

You're just ready for MORE sales.


Course & Workbooks Only

  • Access to the course & workbooks

  • Monthly Q&A

  • Lifetime Updates to the course

  • Bonuses




  • 1 hour 1:1 call with Natalie

  • 1 week of Azura chat & coaching

  • Access to the course & workbooks

  • Monthly Q&A

  • Lifetime Updates to the course

  • Bonuses


  • It will be around a total of 5 hours and should take you about 3 weeks to complete with the workbooks.

  • You'll have the ability to book a call with me for anytime in the month following your purchase. If of course you have a special circumstance, please message me and I'm happy to accomodate.

  • Get ready for the blow up...I mean glow up... all of it? Leveraging these strategies can take a few days or weeks for your audience to warm up to, but they'll love you more than ever. This WILL be collapsing time when it comes to the attraction & conversion process.

    You can expect DMs, love, compliments, "how can I work with you?", and ultimately sales as a result of that.

  • Any online business, service provider, coach, even product based businesses can leverage these tools.

    At the core, this course is made & built for the kind-hearted, ambitious entrepreneur.

Honestly, this is your real ticket to freedom.

Financial, time, location, and
the freedom to be you.